Kateřina Dunovská

couples therapy

emotion focused therapy for couples

Are you still in love, just exhausted by your conflicts?

Do you feel alone in your relationship?

Do your children suffer from your arguments?

Are you afraid of commitment?

Is it difficult to harmonize your different needs and expectations from life?

I can help you...
  • to find each other again
  • to better understand the pain-inducing pressure points of your relationship
  • to be able to have a healthy argument without serious consequences
  • to be more successful in expressing your needs to your partner
  • to understand the other better and understand his/her needs
  • to be able to create nice moments and strengthen the healthy core of the relationship
  • to agree on the ground rules for living together
  • to be able to break up in a gentle way when it is not possible to stay together
  • to be able to negotiate well with your ex-partner, the parent of your children

Emotion focused therapy for couples (EFT-C)

I work with the Emotion focused therapy for couples (EFT-C) approach.

Emotion Focused Couples Therapy offers partners a new way out of conflict and strengthens their emotional bond. It helps partners transform a negative hurtful cycle of interactions into a positive spiral in which each partner feels respected and loved. Than are also partners able to resolve their difficult issues together. EFT for couples brings partners a new emotional experience, understanding each other and empowerment of their own responsibility for a healthy relationship.

Emotion Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) was first formulated and tested by Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg in 1985 as an approach to helping couples. Later an approach for individual therapeutic work was aditionally created. Today, for its large sucess, the EFT for individuals and EFT for couples are used worldwide.

Our relationship lab

Let me share with you the treasure that couples discover themselves. I often tell myself: "If only this couple experienced this and that couple heard that…!" Every couple creates a unique organism with its own joys, challenges and needs, yet there is a bottom line of issues/items which helps to heal every relationship. Please do not take the following cards as an exhaustive guide to a good relationship. Rather, it is a gallery of sketches and pieces arising from the painful as well as creative and joyful process of relationship transformation that your "colleagues" bravely go through. These authentic discoveries are far more valuable than general therapeutic theory. Nevertheless, let me add a bit of context and experience to the displayed specimens/works.

About me

Let me help you with topics

  • how to care for our partners relationship
  • how to manage conflicts
  • how to make arguments in a healthy way
  • how to remain good parents when we are no longer partners

I can also help you with the topics

  • life crisis, dilemma
  • low self-confidence
  • sexual orientation
  • problems at work
  • loss of a beloved one
  • anxiety, depression
  • emptiness, loss of meaning, burnout
  • anger management
  • intrusive thoughts, compulsive activities

About me

Psychotherapy is always an adventurous journey for me. I can humbly witness the hidden beauty of the inner landscape of a human or their relationship. For a while, I become a fellow/guide (‘guide’ has too much authority in it, doesn´t it?) for the other one to be able to pass through the difficult terrain more easily. And if the horizon gets darker, we are waiting together for the dawn.

In psychotherapy since 2010. In my private practice, I accompany partner couples, families and adults as part of individual therapy.

My life profession in the field of ​​children and families at risk, from direct social work and therapy to high NGO management.

I love my family, the heights of mountains and the depths of waters. I constantly clear my head through pairs acrobatics.

My education

  • Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples, EFT-C, Catalina Woldarsky Meneses, Switzerland
  • Transformative mediation, Institute for Study of Conflict Transformation, Ohio
  • Dasein-analytic psychotherapeutic training, PVSPS, Prague
  • Relationship therapy, LIRTAPS, Liberec
  • EFT - Emotion Focused Therapy, Emotion Focused Institute, Bratislava
  • Active imagination, PVŠPS, Prague
  • ASSYST method, Czech institute for psychotraumatology and EMDR
  • Video training of interactions, SPIN, Prague
  • Work with time. family axis, LIRTAPS, Liberec
  • Social work and social policy, FHS UK, master's degree


Arne Heyen, Belgie/ PhDr. Eva Tošnerová/MUDr. Zuzana Pinďáková

I am a member of ČAP - Czech Association for Psychotherapy

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I am a member of ISEFT - International Society for Emotion Focused Therapy


I am a member of Association of Marriage and Family Counsellors of the Czech Republic

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I colaborate with the VZP health insurance company (111) and Škoda Employee Insurance Company (209)

Logo insurance company VZP

Contact Form


Couples therapy

2800 Kč/80 min

A discount may be possible in case of financial hardship

Individual therapy

1300 Kč/50 min

Cancellation Policy

The consultation can be cancelled free of charge till more than 48hours in advance. Otherwise the price will by fully covered.